Do Lentils Have Lectins?2023-01-01T06:40:26+00:00

​Do Lentils Have Lectins?

​It can feel very frustrating when you are trying to eat ​well​, but you aren’t sure whether a food contains lectins.

Lentils are one of these foods that are often considered a healthy food, but do lentils contain lectins?

​When I was looking for information on lectins, ​sometimes it was a huge struggle and ​oftentimes I didn’t find much at all.

​Thankfully, I can share some valuable insights with you today that should help ​a lot​.​​​​​​​​

​Are Lentils High In Lectins?

According to research, there ​are ​lectins in lentils, but how many depends on a number of factors. In one study, researchers were able to reduce the amount of lectins in lentils by 98%.

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