Weird Lectin-Free Food Rejuvenates Joints?2025-01-12T02:31:15+00:00

Weird Lectin-Free Food Rejuvenates Joints?

Why is it that this weird lectin-free food is being said to rejuvenate joints?

purple sweet potatoes

Men and women in Yuzurihara, Japan are said to function practically without joint pains well into their 90’s – farming, climbing hills, and bending like yogis.

Could it be that this weird lectin-free food that they eat is the reason?

It’s called the satsumaimo (a purple sweet potato) that boosts the body’s natural production of hyaluronan.

Hyaluronan is the molecule that keeps your Joint Jelly thick, bouncy, and ready to protect your cartilage. While the rest of the world loses it over time, the Yuzurihara seniors are swimming in it—keeping their joints nourished and pain-free.

dr. mark weis

Dr. Mark Weis, a top physician and researcher, cracked the code. He found a way to replicate the effects of the Yuzurihara diet with a simple, daily formula that replenishes your Joint Jelly without needing to eat your weight in sweet potatoes.

This formula combines patented ingredients like Mobilee® (clinically proven to boost hyaluronan levels by 1,000%) with powerful antioxidants to soothe inflammation and nourish your joints.

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