8 Weird Hacks For Lectin-Free Dieters2024-04-21T07:58:03+00:00

Recommended Supplements & Remedies For Lectin-Free Dieters

Here are some recommended supplements and remedies for lectin-free dieters. Of course, not all of them may be relevant to you, however, they can be very powerful and helpful for you!

Heal Your Gut

If you want to heal “leaky gut” then this supplement is formulated to specifically help with that, by helping you to have greater gut integrity. What this means is patching up those micro-tears in your gut, that could cause lectins or other unwanted particles to leak through (possibly setting off unwanted immune reactions). You’ll also want to check out the lectin-free protein powder below.

Strengthen Your Gut’s Integrity Supplement

Sleep Through The Night, Improve Digestion, Heart Health, Stress Reduction

This one is has a lot of benefits mentioned because it’s connected to a lot of things. Stress burns this mineral, and when it is low, it creates a self-fulfilling cycle of stress burning more of this mineral. Replenishing this mineral leads to tons of benefits, including improved digestion and better sleep, including sleeping through the night.

Secret Mineral Replenishment for Sleeping Better & More

Get Rid Of Joint Pains

If you want to get rid of joint pains and stiffness, even though you’re eating low in lectins, you probably want to try this supplement. It’s formulated with ingredients shown to reduce pain and inflammation, improve movement, improve joint health, and reduce stiffness.

Improve Your Joint Health Supplement

Lectin-Free Protein Powder

When it comes to lectin-free protein powder, I recommend this bone broth protein powder. Bone broth protein powder contains a myriad of benefits including for gut health, getting rid of wrinkles, and joint health, and is animal-based.

Bone Broth Protein Powder

Reduce Inflammation, Improve Heart & Brain Health

Omega 3 fish oil is a powerful supplement for reducing inflammation and getting rid of joint pains. Not to mention heart and brain health. Get a pure Omega 3 tested for heavy metals so you can get the benefits without the extra metals, and if it’s fresh, it ideally won’t give you any “fish burps.” This one comes with a “fish-burp-free” guarantee 😂:

“Fish-Burp Free Guaranteed” Omega 3 Fish Oil

Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Most acid reflux is actually caused by too little stomach acid rather too much, according to Dr. Wright, a specialist in acid reflux. In such instances, supplementing stomach acid actually helps to get rid of it! Go here for more information on this little-known, powerful remedy:

Little-Known, Hard-Hitting Acid Reflux Remedy

Amplify Protein Digestion For Better Digestion & More Muscle

If you want some extra help with digestion, this is a fantastic supplement for helping to digest protein, which of course, your body uses for healing and to turn into muscle.

Powerful Protein-Focused Digestion Supplement

Replenish Nutritional Deficiencies, Improve Organ Health, Increase Energy

If you want lots of nutrients and to strengthen your organs, eating organs is a powerful way to do it! Not only that, it can radically increase your energy levels. This supplement provides three grass-fed organs:

Flood Your Body With Nutrients With This Grass-Fed Organs Supplement

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*The FDA has not evaluated or approved these claims. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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