Are Plums Lectin-Free?2025-02-18T12:09:38+00:00

Are Plums Lectin-Free?

Plums were shown to contain lectins in one study that tested the fruit of the plum.

Plumdid contain lectins

Scientific name: Prunus domestica

Categories: fruit

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The type of plum we’re referring to is the common purple plum. We haven’t seen any research on any other parts of the plum, such as the skin or seeds.

Are plums lectin-free?

No, plums are not likely to be lectin-free, at least if you are referring to the common purple plums, since one study did show lectins when the fruit was tested.

Are plums low in lectins?

No, plums aren’t likely to be low in lectins, at least for common purple plums. While no quantity was mentioned, they may be considered low in lectins compared to other higher lectin foods. For example, the lectin quantity is low enough that plums are able to be eaten raw with no additional processing or cooking.

Are plums high in lectins?

It depends on what you mean by high in lectins. One study did show plums to contain lectins, when common purple plums were tested. However, they may not be nearly as high in lectins as other high lectin foods.

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