Lectin-Free Almond Butter
Lectin-free almond butter is made with almonds without skins. We’ve shared an example of a pre-made lectin-free almond butter you can get on this page.
If you want to make your own almond butter, then you can use Marcona almonds, which naturally come without skins, or you can also use blanched almonds.
Roasted, soaked, or sprouted almonds may contain less lectins as all of these things can reduce lectins.
What To Look For In Lectin-Free Almond Butter
Typically you are going to want to look for almond butter that doesn’t contain the skins to find low lectin almond butter. Since almond butter typically comes in glass or see-through plastic jars, you can typically see whether there are skins in it. The almond butter above does not contain skins.
It is a bit “milky” and also uses raw almonds with no added sea salt. For this reason, it is “softer” tasting than most almond butters. There are no added oils or sugar – it contains just one ingredient – almonds.
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