Lectin-Free Almond Milk2025-02-22T06:32:41+00:00

Lectin-Free Almond Milk

Almond milk is lectin-free when it contains almonds that are made without the skins and with no other lectin-containing ingredients. Typically this means it is made with blanched almonds.

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Here are some lectin-free almond milks:

1. Califia Farms Organic Almond Milk

This almond milk contains only 3 ingredients – almonds, water, and sea salt. The company’s almond milks are made from blanched almonds, so they are skinless before they are used to make the almond milk.

2. Mooala Organic Almond Milk

This almond milk contains only 3 ingredients as well – almonds, filtered water, and sea salt.

Mooala’s almonds are blanched using a dry roasting method that removes the skins, and therefore should be lectin-free.

There is also a “vanilla” flavor version – unsure of any potential lectins in that.

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